


Do you meet all of the criteria for the Priscilla Sandys Wunsch Scholarship? Click here to be sure!


Talk to your school’s career advisor or deputy principal about your secondary school nominating you for this scholarship.

You should do this by July so that the nomination from the school can be received by the Trust in early August.

Your school will be advised of the deadline date for that nomination.

Your nomination must include your contact details (physical address, phone number and email address)
Once your nomination has been received, application forms will be sent to you directly by the Trust, via email.

You will be asked in those forms to confirm your eligibility to receive a scholarship and to detail the “hardship” that you believe curtails you or your family’s ability to support you going to Otago University.

It will also require your parents or guardians to provide financial information.

You will also need to provide a transcript of your academic record to date.

The application form and supporting documentation must be sent in hard copy to:

The Secretary, PSW Trust, P.O. Box 347, New Plymouth 4340.

That application must be received by the Trust by the deadline on the Application.

If you are selected for an interview that will be held in October and you will be advised by email of the date, time and venue.

If you have any difficulty in receiving information about this Scholarship through your secondary school or in obtaining a nomination or simply have an inquiry, please contact the Trust directly by emailing the Secretary at